You can connect Lifeline to Calendar in the Planning section of the Product tour. When you start this section of the Product tour, Lifeline will walk you through the necessary steps.

<aside> ⚠️ If your Calendar permission is lost or not configured correctly, you will be able to reconnect it under Preferences > 📅 Planning. The following warning will then show up at the bottom of that window:

🔴 Calendar permission not configured correctly

Click the Grant permission button to fix this.


💡 Power tip: use the column on the right in Preferences > 📅 Planning to indicate whether Lifeline should treat entries in a specific calendar as sessions or meetings. This allows you to create one calendar to plan Lifeline sessions, while keeping your regular calendar exclusive for meetings, appointments, and other events.

Is my Calendar data secure?

Your data is secure because Lifeline pulls its data from your local Calendar and doesn't send or store anything in the cloud nor on other servers.

<aside> 👉 Read next: Calendar exports


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Security and privacy

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